The first one to show me most of this was my friend Topher and I added an extra command.
It’s the fastest way to install a fresh version of WordPress on an empty server just waiting for it. You’ll need SSH access enables for the server, and you’ll need to connect to the server using a Terminal window.
First, open your terminal and connect to the server over ssh like so:
ssh -l yourusername
and hit enter. It will ask if you’re sure you want to accept the connection, and as long as you know what you’re connecting to, type yes (the whole word) and hit enter.
Once you log in, type ls to list the files and folders you can see currently. Use the command
cd foldername
to move into (change directory) that folder. You want to get to where WP needs to be installed. Once there, we’re at the fun part. Enter the following commands one at a time:
wget tar xvzf latest.tar.gz mv wordpress/* ./ rmdir wordpress rm latest.tar.gz
Here’s what it does:
- Download the latest version of WordPress from
- unzip what was downloaded
- move all the files out of the “wordpress” folder and into your current directory
- delete the now empty wordpress folder
- delete the zipped file we downloaded in step one
This all happens much faster than it would using FTP, and much more securely (FTP isn’t very secure at all).
Continue your WP install as usual. This is the fastest way to get it onto your server. Have fun!